
森尼地板成立于1998年,位于江苏省常州经济开发区绿色家居产业园。作为“中国 强化木地板之都”的领军企业,森尼地板二十年来以追求卓越、力求完美的“工匠” 精神,将江南水乡人几千年传承的细腻精致、万事唯美的情怀诠释的淋漓尽致。

森尼地板不断追逐着时尚生活潮流,开发出了数以百计的新花色、新款式和新产品, 更以突破性的技术发明,研发出了品质超F4星的低醛地板和表面高阻技术打造的超 耐磨、高清晰靓彩地板,让每一款地板都成为了大消费升级浪潮中高品质产品的典范。

如今,森尼构建了绿色、环保、健康并可持续的产品研发、生产、销售和服务的 产业链体系,源源不断地向全球消费者提供着代表世界优质水平的新产品。

Senni Decorative Material Co., Ltd., established in 1998, is located in the Green Home Industrial Park, Changzhou Economic Development Zone, Jiangsu Province, China. As the leading company of “Chinese Laminate Flooring Capital”, Senni floor with the “craftsman” spirit of pursuing excellence and perfection for over 20 years, clearly reflects the exquisite and refined feelings inherited by Jiangnan culture for thousands of years. Senni floor constantly pursuing the trend of fashion life has developed hundreds of new products with new colors and new styles. It has even developed high-quality low-formaldehyde floors as well as extremely abrasion-proof and high-definition floors with surface high impedance technology. Senni floor has made each floor become a model of high-quality products in the wave of large-scale consumption upgrades. Today, Senni floor has built an industrial chain system for developing, producing, selling and serving green, environmental, healthy and sustainable products, and continuously provides global consumers with the latest products that represent the world's advanced level.










Senni F4 star aldehyde-free core floor: "F4 star" is derived from the laws and

regulations of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Japan and is a certificate

issued by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport of Japan.

  • 2006
  • 2007
  • 2008
  • 2013
  • 2016
  • 2018

森尼的品牌形象不仅通过省名牌、国家免检产品、中国驰名商标等一系列荣 誉在中国大地口碑相传,还出口到欧洲、美洲、中东、东南亚等30多个国 家和地区,拥有了不计其数的海外忠实用户。

Senni's brand image is not only spread in China through a series of word-of-mouth honors such as provincial brand name, national inspection-free products and well-known trademarks, but also exported to over 30 countries and regions including Europe, America, Middle East and Southeast Asia with numerous overseas loyal users.